Spiritual Growth

Opportunities for spiritual growth are offered in a number of ways in the parish.  From time to time there will opportunities for days of reflection or mini-retreats, and presentations on topics of prayer and spirituality. There are also numerous retreats offered by the Diocese, other parishes, and religious communities each year. Please check the parish bulletin for upcoming events, Bible studies, and retreats. Spiritual Direction is available through the office of Religious Education.

I want to become Catholic - what do I need to do?
That is wonderful news! We are always excited to welcome someone into the Catholic faith. You will need to attend RCIA classes to learn about the Church's teachings and prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Confirmation (and Baptism if you have not previously been Baptized). Contact Deacon Tom Geffre (tgeffre47@gmail.com or 701.430.1161) to register for RCIA classes, or speak with one of our parish priests. 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
These classes are designed for those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. You may be married to a Catholic, curious about the teachings of Catholicism, considering becoming a Catholic, a non-practicing Catholic, or a parishioner who just wants to know more about the faith. You assume no obligation or commitment by attending these introductory sessions. However, you may find some answers, gain some direction as you continue your search, or be more comfortable explaining your faith to others. Call the parish office (252.0119) or contact Deacon Tom (tgeffre47@gmail.com or 701.430.1161) to register (not required, but helpful for our hospitality plans).

Cursillo (KER-SEE-O)
The Cursillo is an encounter with Christ that promotes spiritual renewal in our world. By living a fully Christian life, we bring Christ to others, including members of our family and others in our community. Cursillo is a movement that renews and deepens your Christian faith and provides an important learning experience. This experience not only gives you a renewed sense of purpose in your faith, but also provides you with on-going support for continued growth. Your Cursillo begins with a three-day encounter (Thursday PM-Sunday PM) with Jesus Christ. During these three days, talks are given by lay persons and clergy about different aspects of the Catholic faith in a climate of joy and community. This weekend has the potential to truly help you feel the Spirit as the laity in our church share the power of Jesus working in their lives, and how He has been working in yours. Frank Redlin, Bryan Jones, Deacon Tom or Mary Geffre, or Deacon Ken or Tammy Votava can help answer any questions in regards to Cursillo. Contact the parish office to get their contact information (252-0119).

Men of the Cross
The Men of the Cross is a "Band of Brothers" with the common mission of growing in their love of Jesus and to share that love of the Lord with others. Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in September, November, January, March, and May. The meetings begin with Eucharistic Adoration followed by a time of sharing experiences of being a Man of the Cross. For more information, contact the parish office (252-0119) or speak with Frank Redlin, Deacon Ken Votava, Kent Haas, or anyone you see wearing a St. Benedict Crucifix.

Women's Evening Study Group
This group meets one Monday a month from 7pm-8:30pm at the Votava home. New members are always welcome. Contact Tammy for more information (701.840.3251).

Tabernacle Spiritual Program
The Tabernacle Society sponsors a spiritual program on the 2nd Monday of the month (September-April). They bring in a guest speaker and refreshments are provided. Watch the parish bulletin for information on upcoming programs, topics, and speakers.

Catechetical/Religious Education Ministry
This ministry involves sharing your faith with the youth of our parish. There are several areas in which you can assist:

  • Teacher or assistant for the following grade levels
    • Preschool Sunday (10:30am - 2x a month)
    • K-6th Grade (Wednesday 6:30pm-7:45pm)
    • 7-8th Grade (Wednesday 6:30pm-7:45pm)
    • 9-12th Grade (Wednesday 7:45pm-9pm)
  • Youth Ministry Volunteer
  • Summer Activity Volunteer
  • Chaperone
  • Host Family for Diocesan Youth Events
  • Christian Mimes Adult Volunteer
  • Vacation Bible School Volunteer

Contact Claudia or Whitney in the Religious Education Office (252.0478) for more information.