Tabernacle Society

All women in the parish are members of the Tabernacle Society and invited to participate in its many ministries.  Some of these include serving for funeral luncheons, providing monthly spiritual programs, sponsoring rummage sales, as well as organizing our annual Memorial Mass.  Funds raised by our organization are used for sanctuary expenses, contributions to local relief, television masses, sacristan’s salary, assisting with Search registration fees for parish youth, and supplying items for the parish kitchen.  Women may also join a circle within Tabernacle if desired.

Tabernacle Executive Board Officers

Active Circles & Meeting Times

Pat Nordine President Mary Magdalene Circle Monthly at KC Hall prior to the Tabernacle Program
Vacant Vice-President
Nancy Exner Past President Holy Mary Circle Third Thursday of the month at member homes or Parish Center
Mary Geffre Secretary
Carol Kachel Treasurer St. John Circle Third Tuesday evening of the month at member homes
Tabernacle Committee Members
St. Rita Circle Third Tuesday of the month at member homes
Mary Olson
JoAnn Vollrath
Finance Committee St. Teresa of Calcutta Circle Third Wednesday of the month at 1pm in the St. James Community Room
Judy Cichos
Rosemary Gasal
Margo Haut
Social Committee Other Information

Tabernacle Spiritual Programs are held the second Monday of the month at 7pm in the Basilica Community Room.

Tabernacle Business Meetings are held four times a year on the third Monday of January, April, August & November at 7pm in the Basilica Community Room.

Tabernacle Society has no dues.
Circle dues vary with each circle.

If you are interested in joining a circle, call the parish office to get the contact information of circle leaders.


Mary Geffre
Margaret Krebs
Leann Ripplinger
Spiritual Committee
Pat Nordine Calling Chairperson
Gayle Frey
Alice Williams
Rummage Sale Committee
Barb Hogan Candle Coordinator

Kitchen & Sacristy Care
Diane Nelson Funeral & Kitchen Coordinator
Gina Horgan Sacristan